The EOS article, originating from the COS workshop in Hyytiälä September 2016, is now finally out:
Campbell J. L., Kesselmeier J., Yakir D., Berry J. A., Peylin P., Belviso S., Vesala T., Maseyk K., Seibt U., Chen H., Whelan M. E., Hilton T. W., Montzka S. A., Berkelhammer M. B., Lennartz S. T., Kuai L., Wohlfahrt G., Wang Y., Blake N. J., Blake D. R., Stinecipher J., Baker I., Sitch S. (2017) Assessing a new clue to how much carbon plants take up. EOS 98, doi: 10.1029/2017EO075313.