Author Archive

CO2 balance for 2011

Cumulative NEE in Neustift, 2001-2011.

The annual CO2 balance for 2011 is now available. Uptake started very early in spring and attained close-to-record values before the second cut, but less than usual carbon uptake during September (before the third cut) and comparably large losses during the wam autumn caused the annual CO2 balance to top out pretty much average and thus neutral.

New Flux Towers

Flux towers #4 and 5 operational! On 25 May 2012, Albin and Georg set up two urban flux towers in Bolzano/Bozen. These will measure latent and sensible heat fluxes within the frame of the Cooling town project. in particular we are interested in quantifying the degree to which plant-covered surfaces in urban areas are able to affect the partitioning between sensible and latent heat fluxes. Now all our turbulence equipment is somewhere out in the field – thanks to Mathias Rotach for lending us two krypton hygrometers!

Visitor Ray Leuning

After this years EGU meeting in Vienna, Ray Leuning (CSIRO, Canberra, Australia) spent a couple of days at our lab – not only to give a presentation and discuss science, but also to try our favorite spring skiing activity “figeln”. And because it’s 2012 and therefore the future, here’s a video:

What we are teaching in 2012: an update! Read more…

EGU 2012 Roundup

There is a lot to write news about, so let’s start at the beginning:

The Presentations:

  • Deposition of terpenes to vegetation – a paradigm shift towards bidirectional VOC exchange?
  • Off-season carbon dioxide exchange of a temperate mountain grassland

The Posters:

TV News:

Stefanie Hörbst and Felix Spielmann did measurements as part of a course at the University of Innsbruck comparing air temperatures in urban and rural environments. They had the opportunity to explain their work to a wider audience during their appearance in the Tirol Heute weather forecast. Here are some pics, and there’s even a video.

Poster Award

April 2012: Lukas was awarded the “Outstanding Student Poster Award 2011” for his poster on acetone and acetaldehyde fluxes over grassland.

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