Category: Flux Towers

85 Posts

Further work at FAIR site

IMG_3249 IMG_3281

Today Kathi (proudly presenting the safety equipment) and Philipp (up on the tower) mounted the sonic anemometer -IRGA (CPEC) combination on the main tower, while Felix and Albin installed the COS QCL in the instrument hut. 

Work at FAIR site picks up pace


Yesterday Albin and Felix set up the gas cageIMG_3112 adjacent to the instrument hut at the forest-atmosphere-interactions-research (FAIR) site in Mieming, which will provide a safe shelter for the gas cylinders required for the various trace gas analyzers that will be installed during the upcoming weeks. 

Chlorophyll fluorescence @FAIR tower

Had a fantastic day out at the FAIR tower site mounting active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence measurement devices together with Michaela, Albin and Klemens, who filmed our activities for the upcoming MSc study Ecology & Biodiversity movie.
Here a few snapshots (© all pictures Klemens Weisleitner).




Project kick-off workshop


On Friday, Michaela, Albin and Georg attended the kick-off workshop of the project “Effect of climate extremes on grapevine production in South Tyrol: early detection of abiotic stress and consequences for vine quality” funded by the province of Südtirol/Alto Adige. During the course of the workshop the three project teams from Free University of Bolzano, Laimburg and University of Innsbruck visited the TerraXCube in Bolzano, where a factorial heat-drought experiment will be conducted, the EC tower at the field site near Plantaditsch, discussed the mid-term planning for 2021 and had an excellent joint lunch in the Felsenkeller at Laimburg. 

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