Category: Flux Towers

85 Posts

Peru update


The vegetation period is progressing at our study sites around Huaraz, as can be seen in the picture showing potatoe plants emerging at the EC flux tower site in Llupa.


Meanwhile the new AWS has been set up in the Cordillera negra close to the village of Chincay.

Leinefelde teardown


Today Felix and Katharina are out at Leinefelde (flux tower run by Alex Knohl and his group) to bring back the COS laser and the Moni-PAM system, which have been at the site together with a SIF system (FLOX box) by MPI (Mirco Migliavacca) since September and early summer, respectively.

Huaraz news

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As negotiated with the owner of the field where the EC tower has been set up, the field has been plowed and seeded with potatoes (also below the net radiometer to ensure the same footprint conditions). 

Two PhenoCam datasets published including Neustift data

  • Seyednasrollah, B., A.M. Young, K. Hufkens, T. Milliman, M.A. Friedl, S. Frolking, A.D. Richardson, M. Abraha, D.W. Allen, M. Apple, M.A. Arain, J. Baker, J.M. Baker, C.J. Bernacchi, J. Bhattacharjee, P. Blanken, D.D. Bosch, R. Boughton, E.H. Boughton, R.F. Brown, D.M. Browning, N. Brunsell, S.P. Burns, M. Cavagna, H. Chu, P.E. Clark, B.J. Conrad, E. Cremonese, D. Debinski, A.R. Desai, R. Diaz-Delgado, L. Duchesne, A.L. Dunn, D.M. Eissenstat, T. El-Madany, D.S.S. Ellum, S.M. Ernest, A. Esposito, L. Fenstermaker, L.B. Flanagan, B. Forsythe, J. Gallagher, D. Gianelle, T. Griffis, P. Groffman, L. Gu, J. Guillemot, M. Halpin, P.J. Hanson, D. Hemming, A.A. Hove, E.R. Humphreys, A. Jaimes-Hernandez, A.A. Jaradat, J. Johnson, E. Keel, V.R. Kelly, J.W. Kirchner, P.B. Kirchner, M. Knapp, M. Krassovski, O. Langvall, G. Lanthier, G.l. Maire, E. Magliulo, T.A. Martin, B. McNeil, G.A. Meyer, M. Migliavacca, B.P. Mohanty, C.E. Moore, R. Mudd, J.W. Munger, Z.E. Murrell, Z. Nesic, H.S. Neuf! eld, T.L. O’Halloran, W. Oechel, A.C. Oishi, W.W. Oswald, T.D. Perkins, M.L. Reba, B. Rundquist, B.R. Runkle, E.S. Russell, E.J. Sadler, A. Saha, N.Z. Saliendra, L. Schmalbeck, M.D. Schwartz, R.L. Scott, E.M. Smith, O. Sonnentag, P. Stoy, S. Strachan, K. Suvocarev, J.E. Thom, R.Q. Thomas, A.K. Van den berg, R. Vargas, C.S. Vogel, J.J. Walker, N. Webb, P. Wetzel, S. Weyers, A.V. Whipple, T.G. Whitham, G. Wohlfahrt, J.D. Wood, S. Wolf, J. Yang, X. Yang, G. Yenni, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and D. Zona. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
  • Milliman, T., B. Seyednasrollah, A.M. Young, K. Hufkens, M.A. Friedl, S. Frolking, A.D. Richardson, M. Abraha, D.W. Allen, M. Apple, M.A. Arain, J. Baker, J.M. Baker, C.J. Bernacchi, J. Bhattacharjee, P. Blanken, D.D. Bosch, R. Boughton, E.H. Boughton, R.F. Brown, D.M. Browning, N. Brunsell, S.P. Burns, M. Cavagna, H. Chu, P.E. Clark, B.J. Conrad, E. Cremonese, D. Debinski, A.R. Desai, R. Diaz-Delgado, L. Duchesne, A.L. Dunn, D.M. Eissenstat, T. El-Madany, D.S.S. Ellum, S.M. Ernest, A. Esposito, L. Fenstermaker, L.B. Flanagan, B. Forsythe, J. Gallagher, D. Gianelle, T. Griffis, P. Groffman, L. Gu, J. Guillemot, M. Halpin, P.J. Hanson, D. Hemming, A.A. Hove, E.R. Humphreys, A. Jaimes-Hernandez, A.A. Jaradat, J. Johnson, E. Keel, V.R. Kelly, J.W. Kirchner, P.B. Kirchner, M. Knapp, M. Krassovski, O. Langvall, G. Lanthier, G.l. Maire, E. Magliulo, T.A. Martin, B. McNeil, G.A. Meyer, M. Migliavacca, B.P. Mohanty, C.E. Moore, R. Mudd, J.W. Munger, Z.E. Murrell, Z. Nesic, H.S. Neuf! eld, W. O echel, A.C. Oishi, W.W. Oswald, T.D. Perkins, M.L. Reba, B. Rundquist, B.R. Runkle, E.S. Russell, E.J. Sadler, A. Saha, N.Z. Saliendra, L. Schmalbeck, M.D. Schwartz, R.L. Scott, E.M. Smith, O. Sonnentag, P. Stoy, S. Strachan, K. Suvocarev, J.E. Thom, R.Q. Thomas, A.K. Van den berg, R. Vargas, C.S. Vogel, J.J. Walker, N. Webb, P. Wetzel, S. Weyers, A.V. Whipple, T.G. Whitham, G. Wohlfahrt, J.D. Wood, J. Yang, X. Yang, G. Yenni, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and D. Zona. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Digital Camera Imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Peru updates

Unpacking, assembling and looking for a suitable EC location in Peru


Assemblage of our ecobot by Lorenz


Location scouting in the Andes mountains

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