Category: Projects

49 Posts

Marie Skłodowska-Curie project funded

Just received notice that the MSCA project “COSIF – Carbonyl sulfide and sun-induced fluorescence as joint constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling” submitted by Karolina will be funded and will allow her to explore COS-SIF links during the next two years – congratulations!

New project funded

We have received notice that Albin’s project on merging COS flux measurements and sun-induced fluorescence to constrain gross primary productivity will be funded through a young investigator grant by the University of Innsbruck – congratulations!

Tyrolean Science Fund grant handed over to Florian

On Friday, within the frame of a larger ceremony, the grants of the latest call by the Tyrolean Science Fund have been handed over to the recipients, including Florian, who luckily even made it onto a picture (the tall guy in the second row; image by Land Tirol/Sax) distributed to the media. Tilg_Wissenschaftsfond_220116_Klein-737x470