Category: Visits

66 Posts

COSy skiing


This week Georg met up with Dan in St. Anton during his holidays for talking some science and of course for exploiting the great snow conditions.

Katharina onboard RV Poseidon: I

Katharina just arrived at Las Palmas, where she will set of with the RV Poseidon within the frame of a scientific cruise by Geomar (POS519) for the Mauritanian upwelling in order to accomplish the first ever direct sea-atmosphere COS flux measurements. Below a few impressions from the setup in Las Palmas. The cruise can be followed here.

38f6acb9-6f03-47bf-b42e-f5b511896a2b ac44aedf-eb5a-47a8-a539-d7a024b75c78 8a15d01f-d3c4-4af2-aa3a-8a459efef45c 61dc8e78-c56a-4d55-8471-e67b269ade7d 580624a1-a791-442a-a5d6-8da2bca0958b b1f996b0-03ac-409f-9c39-84a533a8b7cf

Advection measurement campaign at Torgnon

Beginning of July, Peng and Katharina, assisted by Marta and other ARPA staff, set up the advection equipment at the Torgnon grassland site for an extended campaign. Due to the difficult site access, our equipment was delivered by a helicopter, which created much excitement. The first picture has been taken by a drone and shows the present setup and the setup of the 2017 paper (red line) and the position of the permanent eddy flux tower (red circle).


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