Category: Awards

13 Posts

PTR-MS Conference 2013 Roundup

We presented two posters at the 6th PTR-MS Conference in Obergurgl, Austria, namely:

  • Bamberger I., Hörtnagl L., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Gap-filling of VOC flux data for deriving annual budgets: A mountain meadow case study. PDF
  • Hörtnagl L., Bamberger I., Walser M., Unterberger A., Hansel A., Wohlfahrt G. (2013) Interannual variability of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compound fluxes over a managed mountain grassland. PDF | icon_star1 won award: 2nd Prize Best Poster

Poster Award

April 2012: Lukas was awarded the “Outstanding Student Poster Award 2011” for his poster on acetone and acetaldehyde fluxes over grassland.

Recent News

Award News

Lukas was awarded the Outstanding Student Poster Award 2011 by the EGU for his poster on “Acetone and acetaldehyde exchange above a managed temperate mountain grassland”.

Short-term Scientific Mission

Albin is presently on a short-term scientific mission with Prof. Gerrit Schoups at the TU Delft financed by the COST action ABBA. The objective of this week-long stay is to collaborate on the Bayesian calibration of our grassland carbon cycling model.

New Group Member

Felix Spielmann is joining the group as a Master student and will be conducting VOC leaf gas exchange measurements on mountain grassland plant species in collaboration with Prof. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler at the Helmholtz Zentrum München.

New Publications

The paper by Niu et al. on the thermal optimality of NEE was accepted by New Phytologist. Publications

Presentations All Around

3 New Posters @iLEAPS

We presented 3 posters at the 3rd iLEAPS Science Conference in Garmisch; Ines received an award (2nd place) for her poster on monoterpene deposition to a grassland, Georg presented a poster about the potential of COS as a tracer for photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance.

Georg also attended the post-conference workshop which discussed challenges and opportunities of integrated longterm LEAP observations.

1 Oral Presenation & 1 Awarded Poster

Lukas and Christoph attended the 12. Klimatag in Vienna; Lukas gave a presentation on “Breathing of the Atmosphere” and Christoph presented a poster on the GrassClim project which won a poster award for most innovative research project.


Click here for an overview of all our posters and presentations.

Paper Awarded

Georg, together with 149 other authors, is one of the winners of the 2012 Norbert Gerbier-MUMM award by the WMO for the paper

“Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents (Yi et al. 2010)”

published in Environmental Research Letters in 2010.

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