Category: Graduation

21 Posts

PhD defense

Today Biomet member Alberto Algarra successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “On the emission of volatile organic compounds by plants with particular reference to the role of (a)biotic stress” – congratulations!


Today, Noémie successfully defended here MSc thesis entitled “Hyperspectral reflectance and biophysical properties of an irrigated meadow vs. a rain fed pasture in a dry inner-alpine valley” – congratulations!

Goodbye and Hello

Yesterday Mastaneh successfully defended her dissertation – congratulations and all the best for her future career!

The Biomet group welcomes a new MSc student – Daniel will be working with the eddy flux data from our two sites in Vinschgau/Val Venosta comparing energy and CO2 exchange at a rain-fed and irrigated grassland in a dry inner-alpine Valley.


Today another Biomet student graduated – Tamara successfully defended her thesis on soil COS exchange at Neustift – congratulations!

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