Category: Projects

49 Posts

New project funded

Today we have received notice that our grant proposal on “On the role of advection for the net carbon dioxide exchange of short-statured ecosystems in complex terrain” to the FWF will be funded – yippee!

HiResAlp project started

On 18th March Georg attended the kick-off meeting of the HiResAlp project at Bozen/Bolzano. The project is coordinated by the Applied Remote Sensing group at EURAC and will investigate the water cycle of mountain ecosystems using a combination of remote sensing (in particular based on radar) and modelling.

New Flux Towers

Flux towers #4 and 5 operational! On 25 May 2012, Albin and Georg set up two urban flux towers in Bolzano/Bozen. These will measure latent and sensible heat fluxes within the frame of the Cooling town project. in particular we are interested in quantifying the degree to which plant-covered surfaces in urban areas are able to affect the partitioning between sensible and latent heat fluxes. Now all our turbulence equipment is somewhere out in the field – thanks to Mathias Rotach for lending us two krypton hygrometers!

New Project Approved

We have received notice that our proposal to the FWF

“Fluxes of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compounds between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere”

was approved and will be funded for the next three years with 300kEuro.

Recent News

New Funding

We received notice that the Tyrolean Science Fund approved our project “Fluxes of biogenic oxygenated volatile organic compounds between mountain grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere” (2012-2013).

New Group Members

Petra Schattanek and Sabrina Obwegeser will join the group as Master students, supervised jointly with Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Mayer (Institute of Botany), within the frame of the StartClim project “Effects of soil drying on transpiration of Austrian tree species”. Christoph will switch to this project in January 2012 as well.