Category: Visitors

31 Posts

2nd international COS workshop – wrap-up

Last week 31 scientists from 16 different countries met at the conference of the University of Innsbruck in Obergurgl in order to discuss the most recent research on carbonyl sulfide in a workshop organized by the Biometeorology group. As the pictures below show a lot of serious science happened, but we also had a lot of fun!

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Kadmiel Maseyk visiting


This and the last week, Kadmiel Maseyk (Open University, UK) was visiting the group in order to prepare the 2nd COS workshop and discuss science and potential joint projects revolving around COS, SIF and grassland response to climate change. His stay was generously funded through a BrittInn fellowship. The picture shows Kadmiel (leftmost) and part of the group (from left to right: Katharina, Kathi, Karolina and Georg) preparing for the nightly downhill sledge after hiking up to Rumeralm.

Kadmiel Maseyk visiting

Tomorrow Monday, Kadmiel Maseyk (Open University, UK) will be giving a presentation in the Institute Seminar series on “Shedding light on the dark reactions of photosynthesis: lessons from new approaches to large scale analysis”. Today, we got on the mountain bikes and went for a ride.

877ed712-d571-41f0-86a0-e4862a441fa6The group at lunch time with Kadmiel (3rd on right).

KaIMG_0581dmiel and Georg prepared for the ride down with Pfeishütte in background.


COSy skiing


This week Georg met up with Dan in St. Anton during his holidays for talking some science and of course for exploiting the great snow conditions.

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