Archive: The Year 2014

New study site and paper published

Today Kathi and Georg made the long drive to Lunz am See to set up an eddy covariance flux tower within the CarbEx project. Since the platform has been removed during winter, the flux tower as set up at the shore of the lake close to the Water Cluster Lunz in the meantime, before it will be moved to the platform in spring. The aim of the project is to link hydrological extremes to the carbon cycle of Lunzer See and the eddy flux measurements yield the lake-atmosphere CO2 flux.


The methane/nitrous oxide flux paper has been finally published in BG: Hörtnagl L., Wohlfahrt G. (2014) Methane and nitrous oxide exchange over a managed hay meadow. Biogeosciences 11, 7219-7236. link

Fellowships, visitors and publication news

LFU_Doc_VerleihungKatharina (fourth from left) and Felix (leftmost) were officially awarded their PhD fellowships by the University of Innsbruck (picture courtesy of university press office).




Paul Stoy visited us (pictures showing him at our field site Neustift and together with Albin and Katharina at the Grawa waterfall in Stubai Valley) to give a presentation on “Interpreting processes by observing patterns: Data-intensive strategies for understanding the role of ecosystems in the climate system”.









New paper: Barthel M.,Sturm P., Hammerle A., Buchmann N., Gentsch L., Siegwolf R., Knohl A. (2014) Soil H2 18O labelling reveals the effect of drought on C18OO fluxes to the atmosphere. Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 5783-5793. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru312.

Project funded

Today we have received notice that our project “Carbonyl sulfide exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere: magnitude, controls and relationship to canopy photosynthesis and transpiration” will be funded for the next three years by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

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